Discover all the news on Levorato Marcevaggi and the world of aviation and transport

What is the JIG Global Recognition Award and why is it important for aviation?
In the aviation industry, safety and efficiency play a crucial role. Every day, thousands of flights transport passengers and goods worldwide, and ensuring that air traffic operates safely and in compliance with standards is an absolute priority. In this context, the...
What is the JIG Global Recognition Award and why is it important for aviation?
In the aviation industry, safety and efficiency play a crucial role. Every day, thousands of flights transport passengers and goods worldwide, and ensuring that air traffic operates safely and in compliance with standards is an absolute priority. In this context, the...
HSSEQ Policy: what it is and how we strive to comply with it in aviation services
We live in an era where issues concerning safety, health, the environment, and quality have become...
5 ways to reduce environmental impact in the fuel supply chain
We live in a historical period where environmental awareness is central to the development of...
Alternative Fuels for Reducing CO2 Emissions
Concerns about climate change and the need to reduce CO2 emissions have led to a growing interest...
Regasification terminals in Italy: how many are there and what is their purpose?
In a context in which changes in the European geopolitical scenario pose a reconsideration of...
General Aviation, how we have reduced waiting times for supplies
In the aviation industry, the quality of the aerial refuelling service plays a very important...
Levorato Marcevaggi in Abu Dhabi for the IATA Aviation Energy Forum
We are pleased to announce that, once again this year, Levorato Marcevaggi will be participating...
First refueling in Italy of Sustainable Aviation Fuel
First refueling in Italy of SAF (Sustainable Aviation Fuel) with 20% blending at the Monza Grand...
First landing for Levorato Marcevaggi in United Kingdom
Levorato Marcevaggi is present and operational since January at London Stansted airport. It is the...